Going to use this post as a list of what needs to be done to assemble the engine. There’s two reasons for this: one is to help others in the future and two is to provide myself a dry run of the assembly that will help me find anything I’ve forgot to consider or order/make my life easier when I do it for real.
Sanity checks/ Measurements
- Measure piston to bore clearance
- this is more of a sanity check than anything else . To verify things are sized properly
- Measure crank oil bearing clearance
- order the proper bearings if you don’t already have them
Component Balancing and Preparation
- For this, View the post on balancing the pistons and rods.
- The crank could be balanced, but we’re using the stock crank and left this out
- Pre torque the rod bolts several times to ensure things go well in final assembly. It’s important to torque it 4-5 times as read in this article: Blueprint Series: Measuring Rod Bolt Stretch vs. Torque with ARP.
- Piston Rings: File the rings and set the end gap for them. Also install on the piston
- Assemble the Piston Rod Assembly
- Tap all threaded holes in the engine to ensure proper torque is achieved and not hindered due to debris (do this before cleaning engine)
- bevel any sharp edges i.e. coolant to head galleys, where the pan attaches, etc
Engine Assembly
- Assemble the Piston Rod Assembly after balancing
- use moly based assembly lube when installing wrist pin
- make sure all are assembled in the same orientation on the piston and in the correct orientation if there are oiling spray holes
- when installing oil control ring make sure the two ends face down
- make sure top and second ring have correct orientation (look for a mark on the ring)
- Install crank bearings
- note that there are upper and lower shells and can be identified based on holes
- oil the shells after install
- Place crankshaft in place
- Install main studs
- and main caps in order with oil
- Install thrust bearings
- use moly based assembly lube
- Install ARP washers and nuts
- Use ARP lubricant on both sides of the washers, underside of nut, and the threads
- Torque main caps using factory pattern and ARP specs
- Spin crankshaft to ensure there aren’t any issues
- Measure thrust clearance and verify within spec
Install Pistons and Rods
- Apply oil to bearing shells and ring pack and piston skirts
- Rotate engine and using an 81mm ring compressor(make sure it’s clean and oiled), insert pistons into the engine and attach rod cap
- Torque rod bolts(don’t forget ARP grease) and use stretch gauge when possible.
- note that you should do this based on stretch on the bench to figure out what the equivalent torque value should be
- do in two stages (i.e. 20, 60)
Cylinder Head Assembly